Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride (Bicycle), Hampton’s New York, July 19th, 2014 (Video)



Wounded Warrior Project July 19, 2014 Hampton’s Soldier Ride!

On July 19, 2014 the Hallmark Abstract Service family along with our friends and neighbors will be bicycling 30 miles on the East End of Long Island (Amagansett) in the Hampton’s Soldier Ride to help raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.

The ride on July 19th is being held in honor of Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter from Southampton who died saving 33 of his fellow marines. His story and a video of his heroism are presented below!

Signing-up to ride with the Hallmark Abstract Service Trailblazers team!

These are the instructions to sign-up to ride with the Hallmark Abstract Service Trailblazers and it will take about 5 minutes to complete the process.

Note: For anyone worried that the distance may be too challenging rest assured that it is NOT a race and that people of all ages participate.

To sign-up for the WWP Soldier Ride Click Here and follow the steps below.

Once you arrive at the Soldier Ride page these are the simple steps and, if you have any questions, email Michael Haltman at mhaltman@hallmarkabstractllc.com or give him a call at 516.741.4723:

  1. Click on 25-mile ride and enter Promo Code TEAM ($5 Discount) and hit Enter

  2. Fill out personal information and press Enter

  3. Put in your payment information and hit Enter

  4. You will be given your User ID and immediately emailed your Password

  5. Once you have your Password and User ID click on the Red Box at the website and Log-in when you get to the Log-in screen

  6. Click on Join an Existing Team and hit Next

  7. Name your page (Use your name), Use your name as a custom URL, Choose 75 as a fundraising goal an then scroll to the bottom of the page where Join an Existing Team should be checked and click on Next

  8. In the Search by team name box type in Hallmark Abstract Service Trailblazers, hit Search and our team will appear.

  9. Highlight and hit Join Team and your are done!

    On the following page if you would like to make an additional donation you can do so!

    See you on July 19th!

We would love if you could join us there but, if you can’t, please consider a donation in whatever amount that you are comfortable with! Donate to the Wounded Warrior Project Here.

Who is Lance Corporal Jordan C. Haerter (Video)?

His story is one of courage, commitment, honor, dedication and love of country that he himself wrote by his actions alongside Corporal Jonathan T. Yale.

Two Marines who stood side by side in an alleyway in Ramadi, Iraq with video that bears witness to the final six seconds of their lives.

On April 22, 2008, United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jordan Christian Haerter was killed in action in Ramadi, Iraq. At 19 years of age, Jordan was deployed to a Joint Security Station Nasser, in the Sophia district of Ramadi, which at one point was the center of insurgency in that city.

The 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines were in the process of turning over this Joint Security Station to the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines. Jordan, a member of the fiercely proud and storied 1st Battalion, 9th Marines also known as ‘The Walking Dead’, and fellow marine, Corporal Jonathan T. Yale, a rifleman with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, were standing guard at an Entry Control Point. At 0745, a large truck accelerated towards the Entry Control Point, careening off the protective serpentine, ignoring all signals and flares warning the driver to stop. When the truck failed to stop, Jordan and Cpl. Yale opened fire until the 2,000 pound explosives blast claimed their lives.

“I was on post the morning of the attack,” said Lance Cpl. Benjamin Tupaj, a rifleman with 3rd Platoon, Police Transition Team 3, Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, with a hurtful tone in his voice. “I heard the (squad automatic weapon) go off at a cyclic rate and then the detonation along with a flash. It blew me at least 3 meters from where I was standing onto the ground. Then I heard a Marine start yelling ‘we got hit, we got hit.’ It was hectic.”Because of the valiant effort by Jordan and Cpl. Yale, the truck bomber did not make it as far as the post they were protecting, therefore saving the 33 Marines and numerous police inside of the Joint Security Station and several civilians within proximity to the station.

According to Major General John F. Kelly, “I spoke to several Iraqi police eyewitness and they all told the same story, but one more emotionally than the others. He said no sane man would have stood there directly in the path of a speeding truck firing their weapons—yet two did. His officers, some as close as ten feet initially from the Marines, fired and ran when it was obvious the truck could not be stopped—and they survived.

The Marines stood their ground and stopped the truck before it detonated, and saved the lives of their buddies.” An official after-action report says the two acted without hesitation or concern for their own lives and saved the lives of 33 Marines and 21 Iraqi police inside the compound: “Recognizing the danger to their fellow Marines and partnered Iraqi police, Cpl. Yale and Lance Cpl. Haerter fearlessly gave their lives in their defense.”

Jordan and Cpl. Yale were each posthumously awarded the Purple Heart Medal and Combat Action Ribbon, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the Iraqi Service Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Medal, the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and the Navy Cross. Jordan was posthumously presented with a Southampton Town Police Department Badge and a Sag Harbor Police Department Gold Badge.

If the video doesn’t load view it here.

Help us honor their memory while at the same time supporting the Wounded Warriors who have returned home from battle!

Because the Greatest Casualty is Being Forgotten!


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