Tag Archives: transportation

Uber Update: $50 Billion-Plus Valuation?

An Uber IPO could place the value of the transportation start-up at north of $50 billion dollars making it the most valuable pre-listed IPO in history! Prior to the expected Uber deal hitting the market, Facebook was the most recent valuation record-holder at a $50 billion number pre-IPO in 2011. One glaring difference and potential concern for […]

Evolution Of The NYC Subway System (GIF)

NYC subway GIF

Maybe you’re from out of town and have never seen a map of the NYC subway system? Or maybe you’ve lived in New York City all of your life and never saw how the subway labyrinth actually evolved. Either way, this GIF courtesy of untapped cities lays it all out in the chronological order of […]

NYC 2nd Avenue Subway Construction: Photos and Audio

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

  The New York City 2nd Avenue Subway! Initially running as the Q train from 63rd to 96th Street on the East Side of Manhattan, the 2nd Avenue Subway project is currently about 2/3 complete. Eventually, when the line is completely finished, it will be renamed the T train and will run from Hanover Square in […]