Tag Archives: tax cuts

Federal Spending Bill: Congressional Grand Bargain? Bipartisan Agreement? Political Expediency? Watch Out America!

congress photo

(Article originally appeared at LinkedIn here) Our two political parties in Washington could not look out the window, check the sky, and then agree with each other about whether it’s raining or bright sunshine! That fact is particularly true for the four in the photo at the top of the page. And yet, Pelosi, Schumer, […]

Syriza Party Wins Greece Election! Now What?

In an article last week, ‘Greece Election Sunday And Why The Entire World Is Watching!‘, the potential fallout from a Syriza party victory in the Greece election was examined! ‘This Sunday the citizens of Greece will be voting in a national election that will serve as a referendum on the EU-invoked austerity program that the […]

Why does this title insurance guy keep writing about crude oil prices?

Why is it that a title insurance guy is beating the drum about the potential economic impact of plunging crude oil prices? You’re probably asking yourself ‘shouldn’t he be focusing on things that he knows about or that may affect his business?’ Well the truth is that the potential economic ramifications of crashing crude oil […]