Tag Archives: subprime loans

Real Estate Links: Housing, Subprime, Luxury Travel, Appraisal Discrepancies And More!

breaking real estate news

Summary: Did you know about… The state of the housing market post-financial crisis, subprime lending making a comeback, the Top 10 luxury hotel suites from around the world or why the opinions of real estate appraisers seem so often to vary widely from the opinion of value that’s in the mind of the property owner. This […]

Free Lunch – This Time It’s Different or History Repeats Itself?

2008 financial crisis

Summary: With easy money coming back into the market, borrowers who should not be borrowing getting loans and the economy at a tipping point is the history of the financial crisis about to repeat itself? Will the return to ‘easier’ lending practices in markets spanning mortgages, student loans and used cars pose a problem? Problem for the […]