Tag Archives: peer support

Heroes To Heroes Foundation – Why Us?

Heroes To Heroes Foundation – Why Us? ‘A common thread for these American heroes is that in many ways they have lost their faith! The nondenominational Heroes To Heroes Foundation, through a program based on spirituality, helps these brave men and women reconnect with the faith that the horrors of war erased!’ They stepped up […]

What Is The Heroes To Heroes Foundation? (Video)

US military veteran charity spirituality

For anyone following the Hallmark Abstract Service blog or social media it’s likely that you are aware of who the Heroes To Heroes Foundation is and the mission it is on! However, for those hearing about this combat veterans 501(c)(3) for the first time,… Heroes To Heroes Foundation, through spirituality and peer support in conjunction with […]

Heroes To Heroes Foundation: An Overview

military veteran suicide

Heroes To Heroes Foundation: Help Stop US Combat Veteran Suicide! What Heroes To Heroes Is All About… 1) Successfully helps combat veterans suffering with PTSD, moral injury and TBI through spirituality and peer support achieved in conjunction with journey’s to Israel that includes IDF participation (non-denominational), 2) Those veterans vetted and accepted to participate have […]

The Heroes To Heroes Foundation Story

Heroes To Heroes Foundation

Heroes To Heroes Foundation As a volunteer board member of the all-volunteer Heroes To Heroes Foundation, Hallmark Abstract Service President Michael Haltman would like to share the story of what this fantastic organization does for our combat veterans who are suffering with PTSD, Moral Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury! Additionally, for corporations that currently have […]

Veterans Day: Thank Our Veterans By Helping Our Veterans!

Veterans Day: A day when Americans thank those who have put on the uniform of the United States to help preserve the liberty here at home we have become accustomed to, for their service to our country! Often the phrase that is invoked is “Thank you for your service” but, in reality shouldn’t every day be […]