Tag Archives: over 55 housing

Environmental Activists File Suit Against Country Pointe at Plainview!

Post-approval of Beechwood Organization’s Country Pointe at Plainview project, a small group of environmental activists have filed a lawsuit challenging the environmental review conducted by the Town of Oyster Bay! The plaintiffs claim is that ‘nearly 55 species of wildlife, including foxes and bats, inhabit the area and would be harmed by the project.‘ ‘Richard Brummel, […]

Country Pointe At Plainview Approved By The Town Of Oyster Bay Board!

Post-TOB approval of the Country Pointe at Plainview project, a small group of environmental activists have filed a lawsuit challenging the environmental review conducted by the Town of Oyster Bay! The plaintiffs claim is that ‘nearly 55 species of wildlife, including foxes and bats, inhabit the area and would be harmed by the project.‘ ‘Richard Brummel, 55, […]

Hallmark Abstract Service President Michael Haltman interviewed in LIBN!

title insurance New York

In conjunction with the work Hallmark Abstract Service President Michael Haltman has done to help promote the proposed Country Pointe of Plainview project on Long Island, David Winzelberg of Long Island Business News discussed the effort with him! First to recap the Country Pointe of Plainview would be a residential and commercial development located on […]

Sign the petition for Country Pointe Plainview!

title insurance New York

Back on February 4, 2014 a town meeting was held in Plainview, New York to discuss in an open forum the proposed development project Country Pointe Plainview! It was an 8-hour event with strong feelings expressed on both sides of the issue but, when all was said and done, it appeared that the project would […]

Business Links of Interest for Monday, December 16, 2013!


With this the final full week before Christmas and New Years it’s a good time to look ahead to 2014 and new strategies that we might be thinking about implementing or stories that may have an impact in one way or another on our business! These links are to articles that may be of interest. […]