Tag Archives: office buildings

Companies seek new office buildings, shun ‘aging’ ones!

Companies seek new office buildings, shun ‘aging’ ones! This has led to an uptick in the default rate for CMBS backed by ‘buildings with large vacancies and insufficient cash flow to pay back their debt’! The default rate in December hit 2.53%, up from 1.81% in November. Compounding the problem is the fact that companies […]

Did You Know…Vanguard Group Is America’s New Landlord

commercial real estate photo

Vanguard Group, the nations largest mutual fund company with approximately $2.7 trillion in assets, is also one of the largest owners of commercial real estate through its fund investments in real estate investment trusts aka REITs!  An article by Joe DiStefano that appeared in philly.com tells the story… ‘Vanguard Group is America’s new landlord‘ Vanguard […]