Tag Archives: non-judicial states

CoreLogic January 2016 National Foreclosure Report!


Courtesy of CoreLogic, this article contains most everything you wanted to know about U.S. residential property foreclosures! The report was created by, and is posted with, the permission of CoreLogic, a data and analytics company. The January 2016 National Foreclosure Report shows the foreclosure inventory declined by 21.7 percent and completed foreclosures declined by 16.2 percent compared with January […]

The Foreclosure Process: What a difference a state makes!

US foreclosure statistics

Does it matter whether a property foreclosure is being pursued within a judicial state or a non-judicial state? You bet it does! For those who may be unfamiliar with the difference between judicial and non-judicial foreclosures, the short answer has much to do with time. Lots and lots of time.  And, as we say in […]