Tag Archives: mortgage lending

Mortgage Loan Application Defects: Where Are They Most Prevalent?

After the financial crisis that was in no small part brought on through mortgage products such as ‘liar loans*’, lending institutions have become much more conservative! Some of this conservatism was mandated through imposed federal government regulation such as Dodd-Frank while some was through the publics distaste for these types of loans. But lending institutions now […]

Subprime Mortgages: Are Auto Loan Delinquencies Waving A Yellow Caution Flag!

subprime auto loans,subprime mortgages

As mortgage loans originated to subprime borrowers are once again on the rise, so too is the delinquency rate for subprime auto loans! So for the buyers of securities backed by either subprime mortgages or auto loans as well as for the banks originating these loans, is there a cause for concern? In other words are we […]

The Ten Commandments For Homebuyers And Mortgage Applicants!

The desire to buy a home is all well and good but, unless it’s an all-cash transaction, financial decision-making is critically important! Post-financial crisis the underwriting methodology and criteria for residential mortgage loans swung in the exact opposite direction from where they had been in the go-go years of real estate. Before the financial crisis and in […]

Study: Is Soaring Credit Card Debt A Good Sign, Bad Sign Or No Sign At All?

According to a study conducted by Card Hub, U.S. household debt in the form of credit cards has spiked higher in 2015! Is this spike in leverage a sign of consumer confidence with households taking on debt due to an optimistic vision of their personal financial fortunes going forward? Or is the 2015 2nd quarter credit card balance increase of […]

Real Estate: Is Cash Still King?

real estate,cash buyers,mortgage

While cash sales are still an extremely important segment of the transactional real estate market, the percentage has been declining! Since the financial crisis the stories of investors swooping in to purchase properties for cash along with foreign buyers from countries such as China and Russia have been common. Add to that mix the fact that tighter […]