Tag Archives: lifestyle
NYC’s 25 Most Expensive Residential Real Estate Listings
Ever wonder how the other half lives? Well they might live in one of the 25 most expensive residential listings currently for sale in New York City! 1 12-16 East 62nd Street $120,000,000 This Upper East Side three-townhouse combo took the honor of being NYC’s priciest listing in June. According to the broker-babble, it could be used […]
2015 Top 20 New York City Residential Real Estate Sales (By Price)
As was the case in 2014, 2015 witnessed a great many extremely large residential real estate transactions closing in NYC! The entirety of the Top 20 sales occurred in the borough of Manhattan! Of these twenty mega-deals, seven of them occurred at the ultra-luxury building One57 that has been dubbed by some ‘The Billionaire Building’. One57 is located at 157 […]
Top 10 Most Expensive U.S. Cities To Raise A Family
This Top 10 list is presented for those of us who think that their cost of living has gotten completely out of control! After reading the list some might feel a little bit better knowing that their hometown is not present while others will have confirmation of a fact they have always known or at the very […]
Study: The American Middle Class Is Shrinking!
In 1971 61% of Americans were living in middle class households while only 4% were in the category termed the wealthiest! In a significant shit, today middle class households in the United States account for 50% of the total while the wealthiest households have grown from 4% to 9%. At the same time those households in the income category labeled […]
In Which U.S. Cities Do Apartment Renters NEED To Have A Roommate?
In other words in which cities around the U.S. is the cost to rent so high that having at least one roommate is not really an option, but is a necessity? Having a twenty-something child who recently moved into New York City, I know this problem first-hand! Of course the numbers concerning apartment sharing are […]
New York’s Top 100 Best Suburbs
Niche.com has compiled a list of the Top 100 best suburbs in New York to raise a family! Did yours make the cut? First, here’s the criteria that was used in making the determination of where a suburb ranks… Factors Considered Factor Description Source Weight Crime & Safety Grade Niche’s Crime & Safety Grade, which […]
Evolution Of The NYC Subway System (GIF)
Your life can change in the blink of an eye!
Your Life Is NOT A Dress Rehearsal!
Truer words were never spoken than those in the quote ‘Life is not a dress rehearsal’ attributed to Rose Tremain! But what exactly does it mean? Taking this quote on its surface it means that we are here on earth for what amounts to an extremely short period of time in the overall scheme of things. […]