Tag Archives: House of Representatives

Tom Brady, Caitlyn Jenner Or Iran!

When employees are hanging around the proverbial water cooler this morning, what topics do you think that they are they most likely going to be discussing? Of course if they are following standard business protocol they will not be discussing religion or politics. But, as dedicated employees, perhaps they will be debating the best way for […]

Unholy Alliances In Government And The Price ‘We The People’ Pay!

Reaching across the aisle is a common term used to describe when antagonists from opposing political parties decide in certain circumstances to work together on a piece of legislation! For example, from the article cited below… “There will be some stew that everyone can put something into.” “I’m not saying that anything is attached . . […]

Update: TRIA (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) Reauthorization Being Fast-Tracked

Back on December 19th we wrote about the impact that an expiration of TRIA on December 31 could have on the availability of certain types of insurance coverage! ‘If TRIA expires, commercial insurers will no longer be required to offer terrorism coverage beginning January 1. Without a federal backstop, insurers may seek to limit underwriting […]

Congress: Wealth AND Empathy?

This chart offers a look at the 2012 (and things have only gone up from there) net worth of the 25 richest members of the US House of Representatives! These are the very people who were sent to Washington to represent the interests of the hard working American businesspeople, workers and entrepreneurs everywhere! When they […]