Tag Archives: home improvement

The Top 10 Residential Real Estate Upgrades!

Considering a sale or merely want to improve your residential real estate in the most efficient and cost effective way? When making improvements to a residential property one thought (but certainly not the only thought) should be about how much of the cost you may eventually recoup in a sale. Another thought should concern focusing […]

Tips For Finding The Right General Contractor To Renovate Your Home!

Real estate brokers often bring clients to a home in need of significant work and try to help them visualize a finished product after renovation! But, typically there will be a huge leap and a great deal of work between imagining what a home will look like and then seeing the project through to its eventual end. This process of […]

Real Life Homeowner: To Fix Or Not To Fix? (Video)

Now that it’s Spring you’re likely looking around your house and are amazed by the number of things that need to be fixed! Now for the big question: Do you jump in and fix them or not? Therein lies the quandary! If you’re like me, finding a long list of items that could definitely use some […]

Survey says 67% of homeowners are planning to renovate in the next six months!

Over 1,500 visitors to the Realtor.com website took part in a survey showing that 67% plan some type of home renovation immediately!  Additionally, of the two thirds who plan to renovate one or more parts of their home, 20% of them say that they plan on listing their home for sale prior to the end of 2014. […]

New Federal Tax Proposal To Hit Homeowners Hard!

title insurance New York

Update: This article was linked to at Global Economic Intersection here. Rep. David Camp, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has made proposals in a new bill that seek to simplify the federal tax code! Unfortunately they would hit the real estate and mortgage industries hard!  The Tax Reform Act of 2014 would […]

Best home improvements if you are going to be selling! (Video)

title insurance New York

An article in The Hallmark Abstract Sentinel yesterday, ‘Tips for negotiating the purchase your first new home!‘, presented some tactics for first-time home buyers to use when trying to negotiate the best price with the selling home owners! But what about some strategies that the current homeowner can use to maximize the value of their house […]

Spring has Sprung: Rules for choosing the right building contractor!


Some common mistakes made when choosing contractors, home improvement specialists and home builders! In conjunction with an improving economy, the uptick in the housing market and the devastation left by Hurricane Sandy in parts of the region, more and more people are dealing with contractors whether in new construction, home improvement or in some other […]