Tag Archives: charity event

Hallmark Abstract Services Supports the Combat Veteran Heroes To Heroes Foundation

(Note: Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Michael Haltman serves as Board Chair for the non-denominational combat veteran 501c3 Heroes To Heroes Foundation) Depression – Hopelessness- Helplessness – Loneliness – Suicidal Ideation Covid-19 was, and still is, devastating for a great many people. But for military combat veterans suffering with moral injury, the symptoms mentioned above can […]

Poker, Police, Fundraising And A Pub Crawl All In One NYC Event!

Poker4Life.org will be holding its 2nd Annual Poker Pub Crawl on September 19 and will be joining forces with BlueLivesMatterNYC. BlueLivesMatterNYC – ‘As a member of Law Enforcement our goal is to raise awareness and raise money for the families of officers in need through bracelets symbolizing unity. We are located out of NYC and have […]

Save The Date For The We Care Fund Golf & Tennis Classic!

NCBA We Care Fund

This year’s event promises to be even bigger, better and raise more money for the We Care Fund than last years so… SAVE THE DATE!    Did you know these facts about title insurance in New York?