Tag Archives: buying a home

Buying a home? Do you believe in ghosts?

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service Home buyers: Beware of what (or who) may have been in your dream home before you got there! This article, written by Long Island and New York City attorney Elan Wurtzel, tells an interesting tale of home buying clients who were very close getting much more from their purchase than they […]

Homes: Who’s buying and why? (Video)

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service And, in addition, who isn’t buying and what are some of the reasons for them staying out of the market? Is an issue preventing the purchase of real estate an inability to save for a down payment or possibly qualify for a mortgage? Is it the other debt on the books […]

Negative equity in homes has gotten less negative! (Video)

title insurance New York

Since the financial crisis and subsequent price devastation in the real estate market that began around 2007-2008, home prices have rebounded and by extension the number of American homeowners suffering negative equity or underwater mortgages has declined! In 2013 alone 3.9 million mortgages rose to positive equity positions with the percentage of mortgages that are […]

Buying a house? Why you need a realtor!

title insurance New York

With the internet and numerous For Sale By Owner tools that are available to anyone who wants to buy or sell a home, the temptation exists for them to ‘save the commission’ and do it themselves! But whether buying or selling is going it alone really the smart way to proceed with what will likely […]

Real Estate Terms 101!

title insurance New York

In New York City as well as in other major metropolitan areas around the country, many people will live in rental apartments until some type of life event causes them to think about buying a home instead! This can occur for many reasons such as starting a family, educational opportunities or perhaps a raise that […]