How many acronyms will fit in one article title? For this weeks articles we’ll cap it at three!
Many of this past weeks articles at the Hallmark Abstract Service blog focused on the global economy in conjunction with the turmoil in financial markets around the world. These three acronyms played a critical role…
PIIGS: These are the five EU countries that were considered (and most still are considered) economically weaker than their EU counterparts. The five are Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. Just how low can the yields of their sovereign debt go? Find out in the article…
‘Are The EU PIIGS About To Start Squealing?’
BDI: The BDI, or Baltic Dry Index, is ‘A shipping and trade index created by the London-based Baltic Exchange that measures changes in the cost to transport raw materials such as metals, grains and fossil fuels by sea. The Baltic Exchange directly contacts shipping brokers to assess price levels for a given route, product to transport and time to delivery (speed)…’
This past week it went to new lows, breaking through another century mark to the downside only one month after breaking the previous century mark! Read all about it in the article…
Another Negative Century Milestone, 300, Pierced By The Baltic Dry Index (BDI)!
FOMC: The FOMC, or Federal Open Market Committee that’s currently led by Janet Yellen, made the decision in December 2015 to hike the fed funds rate. They did this in the face of what can only be termed as tepid economic activity and very little inflation. Since that time many other global central banks have opted for negative interest rates! Did the Fed, comprised of academicians with little to no real world experience, make the right move? Read more in the article…
Oy Vey! Text Of Today’s Congressional Testimony From Janet Yellen…!
Michael Haltman is President of Hallmark Abstract Service in New York. He can be reached at