LinkedIn Assessment Test: How Strong Is Your Presence?

By | February 25, 2015

For those businesspeople who follow Hallmark Abstract Service either through the blog on our website or the articles posted at LinkedIn, you already know that LinkedIn represents a key cog in our firms marketing strategy!

After all, in a crowded niche business like title insurance, any opportunity to differentiate ourselves from the competition is critical and must be taken advantage of!

But, for those of you who may be new here and may not be using all of LinkedIn’s features and capabilities, you are missing out on an excellent resource.

And if for some reason you’re not sure exactly how strong your presence and utilization of the site actually is, there is a simple and quick assessment test that in about three minutes will tell you whether you are in good shape or that some tweaking needs to be done.

The assessment is courtesy of an article written by Wayne Breitbarth who is the author of ‘The Powerful Formula For LinkedIn Success‘. Wayne’s LinkedIn profile can be found here.

Full disclosure my score on the assessment was 108 which means that I still have some work to do!

Your LinkedIn Profile

1. Is your profile photo a recent, high-quality headshot? [score 5 points]

2. Have you optimized your Headline by using most or all of the 120 available characters and including your most important keywords? [5 points]

3. How clearly does your profile Summary explain what you’ve accomplished, what you currently do, and the types of people you would like to meet and connect with?

No Summary = 0 points

Somewhat (1 short paragraph, mostly historical info) = 3 points

Pretty good (1-3 paragraphs, current business highlighted) = 5 points

Excellent (close to 2,000 characters, keywords, clear explanation of what you’ve accomplished, what you do, and who you would like to meet) = 10 points

4. Does your profile include at least one clear call to action? [5 points]

5. Have you included videos, slide shows, audio, or documents on your profile? [5 points]

6. Does your current job title entry include your most important keywords? [5 points]

7. Have you included your preferred contact information on your profile? [3 points]

8. How many recommendations do you have for your current job entry?

0 = 0 points

1 = 2 points

2-5 = 3 points

5-9 = 4 points

10+ = 5 points

Your LinkedIn Network

9. How many 1st level connections do you have?

0-200 = 0 points

201-500 = 10 points

500+ = 20 points

10. Have you clearly identified your LinkedIn connection strategy (what kind of people you want to connect with and how you’re going to find them) [10 points]

11. In an average week, how many people are you inviting to join your network?

0 = 0 points

1-5 = 5 points

5+ = 10 points

12. When someone in your target audience sends you an invitation to connect on LinkedIn, do you send a thank you note that includes information about how you could help him/her? [5 points]

Your LinkedIn Groups

13. How many groups are you in?

0-10 = 0 points

11-30 = 3 points

31-48 = 4 points

49-50 = 5 points

14. In an average month, do you get involved in or post a discussion in at least one LinkedIn group? [5 points]

Your LinkedIn Activities

15. In an average week, how often do you post an individual status update?

0 = 0 points

1-5 = 5 points

6-9 = 7 points

10+ = 10 points

16. In an average week, are you sharing, “liking” or commenting on at least three status updates from people in your network? [7 points]

17. Have you saved at least one Advanced People Search? [10 points]

18. When people in your target audience show up on your “Who’s Viewed Your Profile?” list, how often do you send them a message or an invitation to connect?

Never = 0 points

Sometimes = 2 points

Frequently = 3 points

Without fail = 5 points

19. At least monthly, are you publishing a long-form article on your profile?[10 points]

20. In an average week, how many hours are you spending on LinkedIn?

Under 1 = 0 points

1-2 = 3 points

2-3 = 5 points

3-5 = 7 points

5-8 = 8 points

8+ = 10 points

What’s Your Final Score?

0-50 You probably either just joined LinkedIn or haven’t spent much time exploring how the site works. Get off on the right foot by picking up a copy of my book and concentrating on Chapter 19, Ready…Set…Go! A Six-Week, Two-Hour-per-Week Road Map to Results.

51-80 Way to go! You’ve built your foundation for LinkedIn success. The best thing to do now is improve any parts of your profile where you didn’t score well and routinely spend some purposeful, consistent time on any activities where you missed the mark.

In the quiz you’ll find links to helpful articles and resources that will assist you.

81-110 You are in the upper echelon of LinkedIn users. You obviously understand the power of the site and routinely spend purposeful time doing many of the things that will lead to results. Focus on zeroing in on your target audience and making strategic changes in your profile.

111-150 Congratulations. You’re in “thin air” in the LinkedIn world. You’ve mastered this challenging site and probably wouldn’t want to go to work without it. You may have even upgraded to a premium membership. I assume you’re seeing quantifiable results and have many success stories to share with coworkers and friends. If you fine tune your strategies by focusing on the questions above where you had less than a perfect score, you should see a steady improvement in your results.


Written by Michael Haltman, President of Hallmark Abstract Service, New York.

HAS is a provider of title insurance in New York State for residential and commercial real estate transactions.

And, for anyone either buying a property or refinancing, remember that although your attorney will likely recommend a title insurance provider you always have the right to choose your own (click here to learn more)!

If you have any questions you can reach Michael by email at

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