Category Archives: Coronavirus

Oy Vey! Is VUI-202012/01 On Its Way From The U.K. To America?

Are Virtual Real Estate Closings (and empty closing tables) in New York On Their Way Back? Summary: New York hopefully never gets there (shutdown) due to the new coronavirus strain in the U.K., but if we do Hallmark Abstract Service is ready! The new even more contagious coronavirus variant may/could result in new shutdowns across New […]

For New Yorkers, Being #1 Is Not Always The Best!

New York State, according to research at, is #1 among the 50 states in the tax burden on its residents! As the owner of a title insurance company I am obviously concerned with the health of the New York State real estate market. The levy of property taxes are always in focus, as are […]

The Coronavirus Impact On New York City Commercial Real Estate – Permanent Business Closures!

Viewing the impact of coronavirus on New York City businesses from a 30,000-foot perch, we conceptually know that it is going to serious for many and terminal for others! Until the economy reaches the ‘phase’ where retail stores small and large, entertainment and sporting venues, restaurants, etc. are allowed to reopen in earnest, the number […]

The NYC and Long Island Real Estate Industry Needs Coronavirus Phase 2 In Order To Function! But…

real estate and coronavirus Phase Two

Long Island is going Phase 1 tomorrow, but what about New York City? In order to return to any semblance of normalcy, the real estate industry in the New York City/Long Island/Westchester region is anxiously waiting for Phase 2 of the coronavirus economy reopening to be implemented! So c’mon Phase 1 because, as the players and […]

Mortgage Loan Forbearance – ‘The Mortgage Market Improves, But the War Rages On’ – Warren Goldberg

Coronavirus finances in a vice

  The Potential Unintended Consequences of a Blanket 12-Month Moratorium (Forbearance) on Mortgage Payments, Due to Economic Hardship Caused by Coronavirus! There is no question that a great many Americans are being economically damaged, in a big way, by the government mandated shutdown of the U.S. economy due to pandemic. And yet, we can observe […]

U.S. Economic Statistic Estimates and Coronavirus Impact: Week of March 23, 2020

This coming week we will likely begin to see some of the economic impact that the coronavirus is inflicting on the U.S. economy. The forecasts below were generated by Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland Smith School of Business, former Chief Economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission, and seven-time winner of […]

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Crisis in Real Estate, Guest Author

Coronavirus pandemic impact on real estate

The Potential Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Landlords, Agents, Lenders, Tenants, Owners, Borrowers and Prospective Buyers in Both the Residential and Commercial Real Estate Markets is Discussed Below! Appearing in the Connecticut Law Tribune, this article written by attorney Dwight Merriam, insightfully explores potential impacts that the coronavirus pandemic will have on various individuals and […]

Closing A New York State Real Estate Transaction in the Age of Coronavirus!

Today, and rightfully so, parties to a New York real estate transaction are loath to sit in close proximity to each other regardless of the degree of social distancing being used! In certain instances they may also be unavailable for a sit-down as they are quarantining themselves voluntarily or, because they feel ill, have been […]