Category Archives: technology

First American Title Facing Civil Charges Filed By New York Regulators for a Massive Data Security Breach!

Absolute Cybersecurity Protection is an Imperative for Title Insurance Companies in New York!  In 2017 the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) implemented 23 NYCRR 500 designed to make sure that firms in certain industries have cybersecurity protocols in place to securely protect the NPI, or non-public information, of their clients. To summarize the parameters, […]

When Applying For A Mortgage, Is Riding On A Rocket Always Your Best Option?

space rocket photo

You’ve likely seen the mortgage commercials where lingo is used that some in the spot are apparently not familiar with, only to be clued in by Keegan-Michael Key!  These are funny spots no doubt, but when it comes to something as financially important for a consumer as buying a property, while at the same time […]

Blockchain Technology And The Title Insurance Industry

For those involved with the title insurance industry, the concept and potential impact of blockchain technology is likely a somewhat foreign one! Foreign, although it has the potential to disrupt our industry in the same way that technological advances have created companies such as Uber and Lyft that have disrupted long existing industries like taxi cabs!  An […]

The Top 100 Android Apps Ever?

Not personally being an aficionado of Android apps I can’t actually know with 100% certainty whether this list really is the TOP 100! But, as Top (pick your #) offerings go, it certainly looks like a strong one! The reason that I’m not very up-to-date on the latest and the greatest technology is that up until about […]

Automation: In 2035 Will Any Human Have A Job?

minimum wage,business,fast food

By the year 2035 will advancements in technology and the ability for businesses to automate render thinking and breathing employees obsolete? That is certainly an extremely interesting question fraught with potentially devastating implications! For example will the need for the professionals at title companies, lawyers, real estate brokers and even bus drivers disappear to be replaced by robots? […]

WARNING! Fake “Incoming Fax Reports” And The Crypto-Virus Malware!

cybercrime,malware,data security

The threat of malware infecting your personal or business computer systems is ongoing and, as the perps get more sophisticated and creative, getting more dangerous all of the time! The danger of course is not only from the malware itself and the damage and havoc that it can cause, but that an unsuspecting employee or […]

The Internets Vast Reach Observed In Real Time!

Most everyone who reads this article is well aware of the vastness that is the Internet! After-all you are either reading this article on LinkedIn or perhaps at the website of my company Hallmark Abstract Service. Chances are also pretty good that at some point today you were also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or […]

Internet Browser Wars: Which one should you use?

Who hasn’t been there at one time or another whether in business or in our personal lives asking the question…Which internet browser should I use? Luckily there are sources that evaluate and rate these portals to the information we need, the social media we use, the shopping that we do along with whatever else it […]